1. BFG Division: 869553580
2. DOOM - BFG Division (Loop): 983415705
3. DOOM - BFG Division: 660917432
4. BFG Division 2020 (DOOM Eternal OST): 4919006300
5. Mick Gordon - BFG Division: 530959353
6. BFG Division: 4739041323
7. DOOM Eternal - BFG-10000: 4812867479
8. Doom Eternal BFG 10K (FULL): 5110428173
9. DOOM - BFG Division : 445391110
10. BFG Division Perfect Loop (DOOM Eternal OST): 6153378644
11. Ψ Mick Gordon - BFG Division [Full] (1/2) Ψ: 516040974
12. BFG 10000: 4805551951
13. We Are Number One but it's BFG Division: 731325315
14. (BattleMusic) BFG Division: 449050896
15. DOOM - BFG Division #### Arsenal): 5324007657
16. DOOM Eternal - The BFG 9000 firing sound: 5103787913
17. BFG Division (Perfect Loop): 6148732758
18. DOOM - BFG Division: 5210412076
19. DOOM - BFG Division (Loop): 415269823
20. BFG Main: 555091156
21. MG - Ψ BFG Division (2/2) Ψ: 516045098
22. BFG Division - Shortened: 6712856805
23. Doom Eternal Soundtrack (OST) - BFG Division 2020: 7827185201
24. Doom 2016 - BFG Division (Slowed Down): 6350131030
25. BFG 10000: 5098535872
26. BFG: 7371933077
27. Testament of the Doomslayer - BFG Division : 7607050289
28. BFG: 7251059751
29. Real life BFG-50 Sound: 5919825273
30. DOOM- BFG DIVISION (Mongolian/Chinese cover): 5482101887
31. Doom Eternal Soundtrack (OST) - BFG Division 2020: 8603212868
32. BFG - Warrior's Glory: 5631428422
33. DOOM 64 - BFG Fire: 7034858608
34. BFG Division | Doom OST: 8716132794
35. BFG 50 Sound 4: 7360320076
36. BFG DIVISION Ringtone: 8535457433
37. BFG-50 Reload Sound 2: 7369608523
38. BFG-50 Reload Sound 1.5(Fast Version): 7369608015
39. BFG-50 Reload Sound 1: 7369606748
40. DOOM 64 - BFG Explosion: 7034869369
41. BFG-50 Sound 1: 7360260732
42. BFG-50 Sound 2: 7360287888
43. BFG-50 Sound 3: 7360302226
44. BFG-50 Change safety mode: 7369609132
45. Doom Eternal OST - BFG 10K Slowed: 7377269432
46. BFG-50 Sound 5b: 7360325049
47. BFG-50 Sound 5a: 7360323271
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